O What?

Hey everyone!

This week, I want to introduce you to a very exciting event at Brescia: O-Week! (Also known as Orientation Week or Frosh Week.)

Orientation Week is an exciting, fun week to welcome new students to Brescia and Western. To participate, incoming first year students arriving at Brescia in first year purchase a “frosh kit” from the Brescia University College Students’ Council (BUCSC), which gives them an all-access pass to all of the week’s awesome events. It doesn’t matter if you live in Residence or you are “Off Campus”- all students who go to Brescia are part of the Brescia crew!

At Brescia, O Week is a collaboration between the BUCSC (see their O Week webpage here) and the University Students’ Council (see their 2010 O Week website here). This means that Brescia students get to participate in all the fun events planned on Brescia’s campus (like Faculty Day, Spa Nights, Self Defense, or Laser Quest) as well as getting to be a part of the HUMONGOUS events that take place with the entire Western campus (like a giant concert, dance parties, and more!).

O Week is not to be missed. This is the time where you make new friends, pump up school spirit, and get ready for the year ahead. Not excited yet? Read the intro from this year’s Head Soph, Katie McNamara

There is lots to tell about O Week, and I will be sharing it all with you in my next couple of posts…don’t miss it!

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