Welcome Post

Hello! My name is Emily and I am one of the ‘student bloggers’ for this academic year. In this role, my objective is to give you information that can help this school year pass smoothly and efficiently.

Having to figure out things on your own is a lesson in itself; however, it is also wise to learn from others the simplest route to a desired destination, if possible. I have done many things in a round-about, arduous fashion, only to later see the simpler avenue that I wasn’t aware of at the time.

In the fall, I will be beginning the last year of my program, Nutrition & Families. In 2011, I came to Brescia as an out-of-province transfer student. Most of my perspective on living as a student in London comes from having a fresh start in a new city, where I had to figure everything out by myself. In addition to navigating around London, my course schedule (and degree plan) was atypical because of my transfer status. I hope to pass on what I’ve learned from the past two years.

I love to write and am excited to start blogging. Take what you wish from my posts, ask questions/comment, and make suggestions about information you would like covered. Above all, make a practice of practicing, be it something you read here or anywhere else; you only truly know what you’ve experienced first-hand.

Have a great day,