My First Post!

Hi I am Marie the other student blogger. This is my first post so it’s a little nerve wracking (I’ve never wrote a blog before). I am going to tell you all about my experiences and transition from high school to university.

I have a vague plan of what I want to do with my education and future… but things change. Currently, I want to go into nutrition. When next fall comes around who knows what I will want to do. I am excited for university to start so that I can find out what my interests are. It’s so hard to know right now exactly what I want to do with my life. I look forward to attending Brescia’s Food and Nutritional Science program so I can find out just what some of my future options are.

I have lived in London since I was four (so pretty much my whole life). For everyone who is coming to Brescia from anywhere else I can tell you a bit about London through my posts. I think that it is a pretty great place to live and you will all love the campus and residence.

I hope that I can help everyone who has any questions. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will do best to answer them.



2 thoughts on “My First Post!

  1. Kate

    Hi Marie!

    I’m an ancient Brescia Blogger and I just wanted to wish you good luck!!! I’m sure many curious students will be excited to read about your experience. :)


  2. Marie Post author

    Hi Kate!
    Thanks for the encouragement! I actually read a few of all the past bloggers posts because I didn’t really know what to do. I thought you did a great job and will do my best to live up to past bloggers!