Prep Steps for Classes, Part 2/2

Getting set up as a student at Brescia and main campus can be a bit overwhelming, so below are compiled resources that I wish I had easily found when I was new to Brescia. I hope some help you; feel free to leave a comment with any other resources to add or if you have questions about something, listed or otherwise.

1. Bus pass, student ID, lockers. On this Brescia page you will find a ‘welcome back to classes’ list that tells you about bus passes, lockers, and student IDs, among other things. See when the university begins passing these things out and whether you can get your’s early. FYI: your UWO ID gives you access to the main campus fitness facility, as well as is one of the two necessary pieces for your bus pass.

2. Using the library. You can find out info about printing , food and drink , plus activating your student user account at these links. Your UWO ID is used to check out items at the library, and your UWO username and password are used for any login, whereas your Brescia library card (see ‘printing’ link above) is all that is required for printing/photocopying. Since the summer, the coin machine that loads your Brescia card does not accept newer loonies and toonies (I think the 2012 ones), so just a heads up. The desk may be able to exchange you for older coin, depending if they have some. The Brescia print card can only be used to print/photocopy at Brescia library; other libraries will have their own protocol.

3. While you attend classes each day… what are you going to eat? Drink? Do in the hour break between classes? Investing in some leak-proof, glass/stainless steel food and drink containers may make your life much easier. A long-lasting canteen for hot drinks eliminates a large burden on the environment, and maybe even some money for you (Brescia Starbucks kiosk will save you a few cents by having one). Ensure what you buy can be heated and cooled (i.e. microwave save, oven save, freezer safe), if appropriate! A tip with buying glass food containers: if you can find a set that has size variety, the bigger dishes can double as oven dishes if you are cooking your own meals (Costco has a set with BPA-free plastic snap lids).

In my first year at Brescia, I was around campus before classes began. It took my some trial and error to figure out a few things, like…
– if you’re getting a locker, have an idea of where most of your classes are, and try to get your locker in a convenient location relative to where you’ll already be passing through. This will be handy, especially on the mornings when you are running late for class or the afternoons when you are rushing to catch a bus.
– there is a campus bus system that travels from Brescia to main campus and other affiliate colleges. This may save you A LOT of walking around.
– if you want to use the main campus fitness facility but still do not have your card, speak to someone and you may be able to gain access once or twice without your card, and without having to pay.
– keep a reusable bag on you whenever you’re on campus. Popping in to the bookstore or on-campus grocery store may lead to a few, and sometimes heavy purchases. You will thank yourself when you have a strong bag for your travel back to your apartment/residence, especially if you see someone whose plastic bag breaks and contents go flying everywhere.

Only a few weeks out. I see some class outlines being posted… :)