Value of Education

When surveys, critics, or media in general question the value of university education, the value of the institution itself can be scrutinized, sure, but not the value of the learning experience that individuals derive through that institution. As a student, as long as you are unbiased during every lecture, study session, evaluation, and so on, and are seeing the information presented/observed as it is, then your experience will be enlightening, and you will learn more about yourself and where you fit in the world. Even if you have the worst classmates, teachers, libraries, you are the only factor that directly determines the quality of your experience.

Even though a tree can flourish despite a completely abominable environment, the greatest forests are those with immaculate natural surroundings. Seeing as the investment for university study is a big one, it is wise to invest yourself into an educational institution that supports you and your development. Be thankful that Brescia is among the richest soil in Canada, and that it can support determination, compassion, and aspiration.

To be educated is to be enlightened by an experience. If you seek expansion for your self (or soul, spirit, whatever you wish to call it), that process of expanding is attributed to becoming increasingly enlightened. Take courses that you love, take a program that you would enrol in even if you had to pay one million dollars for. Be happy that you will likely grow taller, longer, and symbiotically contribute to thousands of other lives if you use the plentiful resources that Brescia offers; but however, remember, at the end of the day, whatever you learn is up to you.

Enjoy your day,

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